Toilets, Fish, and Foolishness

Happy July, folks!

I am alternating between being tired and cranky and neither makes for uplifting and entertaining bloggage. So I have been practicing avoidance therapy. It works!

What have I been doing lately?

Fixing toilets… check… so proud of myself!


Finding a new home for my fish tank. Here it is at my place and in process of being dismantled…


And in its new home… GORGEOUS!

And going to good bye parties and social gatherings. Some of the shenanigans…

EmbarrassedPosterSarahShae jerms

Barnes x2ClevebgersFrancoisWill

Since I was silly enough to let it slip that I did synchronized swimming in college, my colleagues honored me with a routine of their own… This was truly one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. The best part is how serious they all are.

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7 thoughts on “Toilets, Fish, and Foolishness

  1. Good job on the new tank…and a good job on the old tank. Uh, when you were putting in the new valve, did you wind up with any extra parts? I always do, and have never figured out how it happens. šŸ™‚

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