Oh Bliss, Oh Joy, Oh Fun, Technology

I do not know if I can do my day justice.


For context, you have to understand that I am planning to start a PhD program next fall in programs with names like Information Science, Informatics, Human Computer Interaction, New Communication Technology, New Media, etc. Basically it's people and technology. Information, communication, technology, and psychology. In my world, those four ingredients together make up the best chocolate ever created.

Today, I attended day one of a conference about technology in teaching/education. The programs I am looking at usually have tracks or specializations some of which include health/medical, politics, business, social, and learning.My background is very strong in education and teaching and I feel like it is something in my soul that will always be a part of my life. But in the past 2-3 years I have "discovered" all the social technology out there and have found an area that challenges, fascinates, and intrigues me so I've naturally been thinking I would lean towards the social tracks of the PhD programs.

But today might have changed that because MAN was I having a blast. All day long I could not sit still. I was bouncing out of my seat. I even – true story – gave an "Amen" during one person's presentation. No lie. I am a big geek. I love technology. I love teaching. I love game playing. I love social platforms using technology in creative ways. I loved every moment of today's conference and I know know know know now for sure that I will love every moment of the PhD program. Even statistics.

Wow. Just wow.

My head is going to s'plode.

Some geekiness to entertain you…

I am sooooooooooooooooo happy! 

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Sunday Morning Ramblings

It's 9am and I've already gotten teary at the Free Hugs video and the scene when the puppy chose his new family on Animal Planet. Hmmmm… Wonder what that means? Better make a chocolate run.

Along those lines… there is something that has made my life oh so much happier in the past two weeks. Something you would never expect to have that kind of impact. Something totally innocuous. Not a living thing. Not an event. Not a form of entertainment. It's a brand new…

Martin's Grocery Store! Oh my… I worked in pet stores for a while growing up and pretty much my whole paycheck went right back to the store each week. Why do I have the feeling that that's exactly what is going to happen with Martin's? From the produce, to the organic selection, to the deli, to the salad bar, to the bulk foods aisle… Oh my… It's like crack to me: addicted from the first step in the store. But oh so blissfully happy.

A Sunday morning ritual for me is reading PostSecret. If you don't know what it is, check it out at http://postsecret.blogspot.com/. People are fascinating. Pretty much my whole life has centered around people in one facet or another, so this kind of glimpse into someone else's life is amazing. There are always a bunch of postcards that resonate for one reason or another. This morning, it was this one…

Like everyone else, I had both extreme highs and extreme lows and everything in between in high school. My best friend in the world is from then, I've never had another friend like him since. In some crazy WTF alternate reality, I just went back to my 20th reunion last summer. 20th. Twentieth. 2-0-t-h. That's ten plus ten. Holy cow! When did that happen?

I had to go. I had some pretty intense friendships and relationships that had a big role in shaping me into the adult I became and I was hoping to see those folks. I also wanted to see all the dickwads who were so friggin mean to everyone and everything around them. Basically, I needed to face some demons and I wanted to reconnect with some very special people. Your typical high school reunion.

The reason this resonated was that the dickwads who were organizing the event only managed to invite their friends.Assholes. I only found out because my BFF still lives where we went to school and he heard about it and told me. Despite many many many offers to help organize, plan, and find people… all of which were rejected… they plowed right ahead and only managed to notify 40 people. Piss me off… just as selfish and self-serving as back then. Well, we agreed at the time that we wanted to have a 25th reunion in order to try and get more turnout and the call just came out (from a different person this time) to start trying to reach people. This time, I am hopeful.

And now, in order to purge myself of the acid-like feelings I apparently still have towards my jackass classmates, here are a couple of cute kittens for your (my) viewing pleasure…

Similarly, I am already excited for Halloween this year for some reason. So here are some nice photos of cute dogs in costumes… By the way… why do dog owners seem to dress up pugs far more than other types of dogs? I'm not complaining, they're fabulously cute, but still…

SupermanSpiderHot dogsBeedog

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